The best way to ensure your future is close or exactly the way you want it to be, it will require you to set goals and get clear about what exactly you want to experience. You need to create a blueprint for your life which is like a life map.
This exercise greatly changed my life. Creating my life blueprint has helped me become less anxious about my future because I knew what I wanted in each area of my life and what I needed to do to get those results.
When we don’t have life goals, we feel lost. I’ve found that by setting goals for each area of my life, I feel like I have something important to work towards and I feel great with the more progress I make.
You can block out time to work on each area of your life. It may require sacrificing a couple of watching Netflix, time on social media or sleeping in on the weekend but your life depends on it.
Your time on this earth is limited and how you spend that time determines the person you’ll be in the next year.
You may not think a couple of hours of entertainment every day isn’t a lot but two hours of entertainment every day for a year is 672 hours. Just imagine the progress you could make if those hours were used for your personal goals.
Also, I just want to emphasize that you can’t get a refund on those 672 hours. Once they’re used up they’re gone forever. The average human spends roughly 79 years or 28,835 days on Earth. Think about that for a moment…
So, there is an average of 692,040 hours in a lifetime. That’s not really that many hours. We all have a limited amount of hours on earth but those who are successful spend their time much differently than those who aren’t.
If you don’t know how to set goals, look up the RPM method by Tony Robbins. If you already have goals then ask yourself: What’s one activity I could do today that could move me closer to my goals?
Block the time out, pick an activity that will help you move towards your goal and do your best to be consistent about it. Consistency and discipline are what breed successful results. Stick to it long enough and the results will manifest.
Theodore Lee is the editor of Caveman Circus. He strives for self-improvement in all areas of his life, except his candy consumption, where he remains a champion gummy worm enthusiast. When not writing about mindfulness or living in integrity, you can find him hiding giant bags of sour patch kids under the bed.