(photo by Aphexlee)
For those of us who don’t really know, can you summarize what the freemasons are all about?
Freemasonry is the largest fraternal organization for men who believe in a Supreme Being in the world. More or less.
Is it true that the Freemasons secretly control or maintain a portion of the real control over the United States Government?
It is true that many of founding fathers and patriots (Washington, Franklin, Hancock, Revere), US Presidents (Truman, Ford), Supreme Court Justices (Warren, Marshall) , et al are or were Freemasons, and many of the government buildings were laid Masonically. The influence is undeniable. The Boston Tea Party was carried out largely by Masons, for example. You see many facets of Masonry carried over into our system of government — one person, one vote, secret ballot, executive term limits, even the oaths of office have similarities.
But that said, Masons don’t run the world as if we were a secret cabal. It just so happens that many of our members are accomplished men, which includes politics but is hardly limited to it. Harry Houdini was a Mason. Duke Ellington was a Mason. John Glenn is a Mason.