1. Because you all are pretending Depp is a poor victim when its clear he’s abusive. Audio recordings of him calling her a fat ass and how he’s going to ruin her. And “burn her before we drown her”
Not that Heard is 100 percent innocent but the one sideness from Depp stans and the overt misogyny is very much real.
And its clear a lot of fair weather feminist are throwing their morals away because uwu Depp is so smexy
2. It’s not so much I “support” Amber in that I look at Johnny’s long history of being arrested and sued for violence, so I have a hard time believing either was the innocent victim here. I think it was a toxic relationship between two vain celebrities who exploit people’s desire to need a “good” person and a “bad” person.
3. I’m also an imperfect abuse victim. I don’t know exactly what she’s going through, but I’m familiar with the arguments.
Everything being used to condemn her is being used to support him. I’m very proud of her for this and wish her all the best.
4. She seems to be telling the truth. Sorry. A judge in Britain even found she was telling the truth.
Depp is being very conniving and “playing nice” especially in court. People talk about the audio recordings but from what I can understand, he knew he was secretly recording her but she at the time did not know he was doing so. As such, he would make statements that would make him look good in the recording and her responses would be her being her “genuine self”.
Many did not understand what she was trying to do in the relationship. She saw him as a flawed man who she loved when he was not drunk or drugged.
She saw he had some bad additions, and thought she would try and help him overcome those additictions.
Initially he gave her the impression he wanted to change and was trying to seek help. She got mad at him, like a schoolteacher, because she felt he was not trying hard enough to change and cure his addictions.
He tried to twist it into making her “look evil”. She was trying to give him “tough talk” sessions to try to get him to become clean. Put simply, she was trying to “mother him”.
He used “poor me” language to try and trap her and get her to confess to things. He wanted to make her look bad.
She realised, too late, that he did not want to change, and it was all an act.
He was “nice to her” and bought her things when they met her, and also bought things for her family because to put it bluntly it was the American equivalent of “How many camels would you like for your daughter I would like to marry”.
He wasn’t doing it to be “nice”. He was doing it because he wanted her body.
Depp got angry about rubbish. Not serious things. Not something he really believed she had done to him, like smashed something of his on purpose, or said something nasty to a friend.
His whole “poor me” act is obvious from the trial.
He was finally found out for it, and found “guilty” in essence by a British court.
Now Hollywood, which in recent times has become more moral about the personal behaviour of its stars, has decided to turn its back on him he cannot take it.
Amber tried, really hard, in my opinion to try and save him. He didn’t want to try really, and he has paid the price for it.
They weren’t meant for each other, and split.
Amber even tried to be kind about exposing him. She did so in such a way so as originally not to name him directly.
She wanted the world to know she “knew what it felt like” without naming him specifically.
People talk about Johnny’s exes.
Well Vanessa Paradis used very coded wording to say she could not bear to be with Johnny anymore.
She did not mention abuse specifically, but she used coded special wording without mentioning him directly to imply that he made her life hell and she could not take it anymore.
Amber has been portrayed as “evil” when from what I could hear she was mostly trying to “mother” him.
There may be a lot I missed.
Also, as stated, he lost in the UK.
In the UK it would have been in theory even easier for him to win due to the way libel laws work in the UK.
In the UK a newspaper has to PROVE that what they wrote was true generally or they lose. They don’t even have to prove they knowingly lied about it.
In the US the person suing a newspaper has to prove the newspaper deliberately lied about them.
So even with a system like the UK, which is designed to make sure newspapers only make claims they can prove, (which has less “free speech” than the US), Johnny still lost.
5. I listened to a phone call between the two. Heard sounded exactly like a woman who has been abused and gaslit. Depp sounded like every calm and creepy narcissist I have ever met. Yeah, its not much to go off on. But it was insanely triggering and even if she is guilty, ill never look at depp the same. He is OFF and I’m sure he has victimized others without them even realizing it.
6. The whole point of the defamation case is to say JD did not abuse Amber, but instead JD spent the majority of the time accusing Amber of abusing him which in no way means he did not abuse her.
– JD’s language about women and Amber in general was extremely derogatory, graphic, violent and abusive in those texts and recordings.
– The video evidence of JD kicking stuff and yelling does not look like a man who “cannot hit a women” (even though by his own admission via text he wants to burn her and fuck her corpse which constitutes violence to a women). It is aggressive at the least.
– The whole finger story makes no sense. How can your finger get severed from a bottle being thrown at you unless it shatters against your entire hand? In which case his finger would have to have been against a surface which would have made an awkward projectory plus he would have had more damage. Also it is completely psychotic to write stuff with your own blood when you are supposedly so hurt and distraught.
– JD had substance abuse issues and addiction. Addiction and detox can make a person say and do violent and aggressive things they wouldn’t normally do.
– All of the ‘graffiti’ JD did was so psychotic and abusive. In terms of abuse, a shit in the bed is not as bad and technically could be a joke.
– JD has supported other known domestic abusers.
This is all not to say that Amber Heard is not also abusive. The most likely scenario is that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. The relationship as a whole seems super toxic, so there is a possibility that they were abusive towards each other. It’s probably safe to say it is likely they are both emotionally abusive, but we may never know if they were physically.
With regards to Amber’s odd behaviour in court, she has by Depp’s own witness been diagnosed with personality disorders which can give her somewhat of a self-involved world view and a penchant for dramatics. Also highly responsive to rejection. Maybe she is embellishing what happened in court, which is not helpful to her, but this does not mean what she is saying isn’t true in some way to her and her perception. Her claims have already been verified in court before, the likelihood that that happened and there was zero abuse is so low.
JD is so nonchalant in court, it comes off as rude. It is almost as though he is doing it on purpose to play a mind game with Amber. He looks like he is on the edge of losing it just as much as she does.
7. I’m generally neutral, but I think this specific lawsuit against her is ridiculous. She never named Depp in the op-ed that’s the topic of the case, and even though it appears the abuse was mutual, that doesn’t mean what she wrote in said article of her experience of abuse was a lie.
If Depp is alleging abuse against her he should sue her for that. He would probably win. But the use of a libel suit to air all this BS in a public forum seems cynical to me.
8. Look, I don’t know either of these people and no one here writing has any idea about what went on behind closed penthouse, yacht, island, private plane, or French village doors.
All I know is that I saw a charcaiture of what Johnny Depp used to be in court yesterday, amusing himself with his incoherent ramblings and trying to charm the room of middle aged girl-fans, as he painted himself into corner after corner with his rehearsed mistruths, and wringing about his mother and his victim status. Yes, women hit men, too. I don’t think anyone’s arguing otherwise. But not everyone uses their wife to play nursemaid through their heroin detox and afterwards throw them to the wolves.
Of course his “other ‘my girls’” had other experiences, he hadn’t become a huge star or plunge headlong into hard drugs passing out all over the place and becoming a drooling blackout wife beater.
Sorry, he head butted a woman who dearly loved him. His words, yet he puts the entire blame for everything that happened squarely on her “restrained” shoulders. How she got out alive, I’ll never know, it was a testament to her strength and love.
But what’s happening is what’s always happened, me too wasn’t just an era that “had been in full swing”, it was a call for abusers to take responsibility for themselves. Why are even women showing such internalized misogyny?
It’s cult fan doom, they’ve convinced themselves that somehow their dream of this grown up kid belongs to them and they can’t handle the truth, even if it means harming themselves, in the end.
Depp has been so drunk and so high for so very long, that he may actually believe what he’s saying, like Trump believes he’s still President, but the truth is coming out again. It’s painful to watch, especially for Heard, hearing the man she gave her life to groan like an animal all over again. His idea, not sure why, because his career was on the skids looong before they ever laid eyes on each other! Just tragic to see how big fame and money destroys all moral fiber, along with talent and brain cells.
Theodore Lee is the editor of Caveman Circus. He strives for self-improvement in all areas of his life, except his candy consumption, where he remains a champion gummy worm enthusiast. When not writing about mindfulness or living in integrity, you can find him hiding giant bags of sour patch kids under the bed.