Artist Dain Yoon uses only makeup to create illusions with no editing
Like many artists, Dain Yoon enjoys working with paint. But it’s not a canvas that she puts pigment to—it’s her own body. Using an extensive palette of paints and brushes, she applies the pigment to her skin and transforms herself into amazing optical illusions. Her creations go beyond fooling the eye, and they’re convincing enough to make you believe that she is now what she has painted. And most impressively of all, she does this all without the use of Photoshop or other photo manipulation programs.
Theodore Lee is the editor of Caveman Circus. He strives for self-improvement in all areas of his life, except his candy consumption, where he remains a champion gummy worm enthusiast. When not writing about mindfulness or living in integrity, you can find him hiding giant bags of sour patch kids under the bed.