Rosendo Rodriguez III
Summary of Incident:
On 09/13/2005 in Lubbock County, Texas, a 29 year old white female body was found deceased in a suitcase. The subject had sexually assaulted the victim and then caused death by striking the victim with or against a hard object and then choking the victim. This also resulted in the death of the victim’s 5 week old fetus. The subject was arrested by the Lubbock Police Department.
Last Statement:
First I would like to say I have been here since September 2005. I had the honor and privilege to know many prison guards and staff. I want to thank all of them. I would like for everyone to write the people on death row as they are all good men and I am very happy I got to know them. All of their lives are worth knowing about.
Secondly on February 14th the medical examiner and the chief nurse were engaged in numerous false illegal acts. They tried to cover up that thousands were wrongfully convicted by Matt Powell, district attorney. This needs to be brought to justice.
I call upon the FBI to investigate Matt Powell and the Lubbock County Medical Examiner. Lastly, I was born and raised Catholic and it was not lost upon me that this is Holy Week and last Sunday was Palm Sunday. Yesterday was my birthday. Today is the day I join my God and father. The state may have my body but not my soul.
In order to save my brothers on death row I call upon Pope Francis and all the people of the world.
Lastly, I want everyone to boycott every single business in the state of Texas until all the businesses are pressed to stop the death penalty.
With that Lord I commend my spirit.
Warden I am ready to join my father.
Anthony Allen Shore
Summary of Incident:
On 09/26/1986, in Harris County, Texas, Shore kidnapped a fifteen year old white female and strangled her to death with a cord. Shore then dumped the victim’s body behind a Ninfa’s Restaurant.
On 04/16/1992 in Harris County, Texas, Shore kidnapped a twenty-one year old Hispanic female, sexually assaulted her and strangled her to death with a cord. Shore then dumped the victim’s body behind a Dairy Queen Restaurant.
On 10/19/1993, Shore entered the home of a fourteen year old female, bound and sexually assaulted her, and strangled her to death. Shore then fled the scene on foot.
On 08/07/1994, Shore kidnapped and sexually assaulted a nine year old female causing her death. Shore then dumped the victim’s body behind an abandoned commercial building.
On 07/06/1995, Shore kidnapped a sixteen year old Hispanic female and sexually assaulted her causing her death. Shore then dumped the victim’s body in a field.
Last Statement:
I’d like to take a moment to say I’m sorry. No amount of words could ever undo what I’ve done. To the family of my victims, I wish I could undo that past. It is what it is. God bless all of you, I will die with a clear conscience. I made my peace. There is no others. I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Barbara Carrol, today is her birthday. I would like to especially thank those that have helped me, you know who you are. God bless everybody until we meet again. I’m ready warden.
William Rayford
Summary of Incident:
On 11/16/1999 in Dallas, Rayford murdered a 44 year old black female by strangulation, stabbing, and blunt force. Rayford took the victim’s body and threw it into a nearby creek. The murder took place in the home of the victim and was witnessed by her 11 and 14 year old sons.
Last Statement:
First I would like to praise my Lord Jesus Christ. I ask for forgiveness to the Thomas Family for my past choices I made. Carol did not deserve for what I’ve done. I’ve asked God to forgive me. Please find it in your hearts to forgive me. I’m sorry it has been bothering me for a long time. So I now pray and I will keep you all in my prayers. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. I’m sorry. To my supporters Daniel, brother Charlie, Steve and all who stood by me, thank you. By no means am I happy for what I’ve done. I have asked the Lord to forgive me. Please tell everyone I’m certain I left off some names. Tell my kids I’m sorry for being a disappointment. Thank you. God bless. I’m ready warden.
Troy Clark
Summary of Incident:
Convicted in the May 1, 1998 drowning death of a 20-year-old white female. Clark and a co-defendant took the victim to their residence, where they drowned her in the bathtub. They then took the victim to a remote area where they dumped the body. The victim was found 5 months later in a ditch by Tyler police.
Last Statement:
Thank you I love you all. Sandra, nice meeting you. I Love ya’ll. It’s all good. I’m not the one that killed Christina, so whatever makes ya’ll happy. I love ya’ll. I’ll see you on the other side. Ya’ll be good. OK Warden I’m ready.
Ruben Ramirez Cardenas
Summary of Incident:
On 02/22/97, in Edinburg, Cardenas and a co-defendant committed the offense of capital murder against a 16-year old Hispanic female. Cardenas entered the victim’s residence through a window, tied her up with duct tape, then put her in a vehicle with the co-defendant and drove to a remote location. Cardenas raped the victim, beat her severely with his fists, and strangled her, causing her death. Cardenas dumped her body into a nearby canal.
Last Statement:
This is my statement: My final words. First, I want to thank my family for believing in me and being there with me till the end. I love you all very much! And I know that you love me too! Life does go on.
Next, I would like to also thank my attorney’s Maurie Levin, Alicia Amezcua Rodriguez and Sandra Babcock for all their hard work they have done to help me out. I am so thankful. I would also like to thank the Mexican Consul for all their help too, and every government official that was trying to help me out too.
Thank you Maricela Luna and Julia Thimm for being such good friends!
Now! I will not and cannot apologize for someone else’s crime, but, I will be back for justice! You can count on that!
Thank you.
With Respect Ruben Cardenas
Robert Lynn Pruett
Summary of Incident:
Was serving a life sentence from Harris County for one count of murder with a deadly weapon when he committed this offense.
On December 17, 1999, Pruett physically assaulted a male correctional officer at the McConnell Unit in Bee County, resulting in the death of the correctional officer.
Last Statement:
I just want to let everyone in here to know I love you so much. I’ve hurt a lot of people and a lot of people have hurt me. I love y’all so much. Life don’t end here it goes on forever. I’ve had to learn lessons in life the hard way. One day there won’t be a need to hurt people. I love y’all so much. I’m ready to go but I’ll be back. Nighty night everybody, nighty night everybody. I’m done warden.
James Bigby
Summary of Incident:
Convicted in the deaths of 26-year-old Michael R. Trekell and Jayson Kehler, a 17-week-old infant. Trekell and the infant were two of four people killed during a 7-hour murder spree
Last Statement:
Yes, I do, Grace Kehler is that you? I have given Warden Jones a written statement that will explain a lot more. I hope this will bring you closure and answers to some questions. I hope this will bring you peace and I’m sorry for all the pain and suffering. I’m sorry it went on for a terribly long time. I’m sorry to you especially Grace Kehler. To the Kehler, Johnson and Crain family, I pray that you won’t hate Jesus, the letter will explain more. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I hope that my death will bring you peace and closure. I pray that maybe someday will bring you peace. I hope that you could forgive me, but if you don’t I understand. I don’t think I could forgive anyone who would of killed my children. I’m sorry for your suffering you’ve had for a long time. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I love you Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus.
Rolando Ruiz
Summary of Incident:
Convicted as the triggerman in the murder-for-hire of 29-year-old Theresa Rodriguez. Rodriguez was shot once in the head with a .357 Magnum revolver. Police discovered that the victim’s husband and brother-in-law, paid Ruiz $2,000 to kill her so they could collect on life insurance policies totaling $250,000
Last Statement:
“Yes sir, I would first like to say to the Sanchez family how sorry I am. Words cannot begin to express how sorry I am and the hurt that I have caused you and your family. May this bring you peace and forgiveness. I am sorry.
To my family, thank you for all your love and support. I am at peace. Jesus Christ is Lord. I love you all. Thank you Warden that is it.”
Adam Kelly Ward
Summary of Incident:
On 06/13/2005, subject shot and killed the victim, a Commerce Code Enforcement Officer.
Last Statement:
I would like to thank everyone that has showed up on my behalf, Kathryn Cox, I love you dearly. Thank you Randy Cannon for showing up and being a lifelong friend. Thank you Dr. Steve Ball for trying to bring the right out. There are a lot of injustices that are happening with this. This is wrong. Thank you Reverend Leon Harrison for showing me the grace of God. Thank you for all of my friends that are out there. This is not a capital case. I never had intended to do anything. I feel very grieved for the loss of Walker, and for Donovan and Marissa Walker. I hope they can find peace and be productive in society. I would like to thank all of my friends on the row even though everything didn’t work, close isn’t good enough. I hope that positive change will come out of this.
I would like to thank my father and mother for everything that they showed me. I would like to apologize for putting them through this. I would like to ask for the truth to come out and make positive changes. Above all else Donovan and Marissa can find love and peace. I hope they overcome the loss of their father. At no time did I intend to hurt him.
When the truth comes out I hope that they can find closure. There are a lot of things that are not right in this world, I have had to overcome them myself. I hope all that are on the row, I hope they find peace and solace in their life. Everyone can find peace in a Christian God or whatever God they believe in. I thank you mom and dad for everything, I love you dearly. One last thing, I thank all of my friends that showed loyalty and graced my life with more positive. I would also like to thank Gustav’s mother for having such a great son, and showing me much love. I have met good people on the row, not all of them are bad. I hope everyone can see that. I just want to thank everybody that came to witness this. I thank everyone, I am sorry things didn’t work out. May God forgive us all? I am sorry mother and I am sorry father. I hope you find peace and solace in your heart. I know there is something else I need to say. I feel that.
Theodore Lee is the editor of Caveman Circus. He strives for self-improvement in all areas of his life, except his candy consumption, where he remains a champion gummy worm enthusiast. When not writing about mindfulness or living in integrity, you can find him hiding giant bags of sour patch kids under the bed.