For the past few months, I’ve been having un-restful sleep. My brother bought me some of these sleep gummies and they definitely help me fall asleep and stay asleep and there is no drowsiness in the morning
If you consume caffeine, have anxiety or high stress, or just need to chill a bit, L-theanine has helped me so much with my day to day anxiety. I take it with my morning coffee and it helps me relax while still remaining focused and energized
If you’re looking to capitalize on real estate prices going down and have no clue where to start. This book is an excellent first step
A great, brief and useful book on how to manage personal finances and lead a financially stable life. I wish I had read it when I was younger.
The story of Babylonians and how they managed to master their financial skills make this book relevant to today’s world. The recommendations are given in such a way that anyone from any financial background can apply them easily.
Over a million books are available for free on Amazon for two months. You don’t need a kindle and it includes audiobooks!
If you cut the cord on cable, this TV Antenna allows you to get local channels such as PBS, ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox and tons of other channels for free!
I’m very well aware that I shouldn’t be putting anything into my ears due to the potential complications. However, picking your ears is an unparalleled sensation that more people should try at least once. It’s like scratching an itch you never knew existed!
Another underrated pleasures in life is to be able to scratch that unreachable itch in the middle of your back
If you’re an avid bicyclist, this multitool has everything you need to repair your bike and to get you home
Another excellent multitool for cyclist is the Topeak Alien
The best way to tackle messy cars? Prevent it from happening in the first place! Keep a lidded trash can in your vehicle to contain all the wrappers, cups and other trash that accumulates in the car.
Once you learn how to use a drain snake, you’re going to save a lot of time, money and headache when your house backs up
You can make the whole process even easier if you attach it to a drill
A stud finder that actually works! It’s idiot proof, cheap, small and doesn’t require batteries
If you do home repairs around the house and want to check if you’re electricity is off, this is a nifty little device. No metal probes to stick into sockets. The probe is plastic. It also chirps and blinks if it’s near any live (hot) wire.
Installing a hot water re-circulation pump is the best $200 you can spend on your house
The pump hooks up to the top of your water heater, and to the sink furthest from the water heater. It will run on a timer and pump hot water into the pipes using the cold water line as the return line. It also has a temp valve so it does not pump your cold water line with a bunch of hot water.
This means you always have hot water at your sinks. Especially good for those 2+ story homes where the water has to travel a good distance to get to the sink. I now do not have to wait for my hot water to heat up to wash my hands / shower. It is the greatest feeling being able to turn on the water and have it nicely warmed up, not freezing cold when you go to wash your hands.
Have a bathtub? You could save yourself thousands in water damage by spending $5 on an overflow drain gasket and 15 minutes of your time
This video is helpful in explaining the process:
Theodore Lee is the editor of Caveman Circus. He strives for self-improvement in all areas of his life, except his candy consumption, where he remains a champion gummy worm enthusiast. When not writing about mindfulness or living in integrity, you can find him hiding giant bags of sour patch kids under the bed.